How do I teach classroom rules and routines at the beginning of the school year? What are the most important classroom routines to teach? What are some classroom routines and procedures?
These are such important questions to ask at the beginning of the year. And luckily, there are lots of children’s books to help us teachers out! Reading books aloud to your new class is one of the best ways to start setting expectations and reinforcing classroom rules.
Read on for 15 amazing read alouds to teacher classroom rules and routines!
Classroom Rules and Routines
Establishing our rules and routines is extremely important at the beginning of the school year. Not only does it help our classroom run smoother in the months to come, but structure and rules actually help students feel safe and secure.
A piece of advice I always give to new teachers is to write out a list of all their routines and procedures and rules. A lot of times, you don’t realize until you start writing just how long that list can be! There are materials to take care of and store properly, transitions to organize and manage, rules about talking, sitting, bathroom-going… it’s a lot to think about! Making a list ahead of time will help you to plan out just how you’re going to teach all those things to your new students.
Now, there are lots of ways to establish our rules and routines, and I have a whole blog post with ideas right here. But children’s books are such a valuable tool, they deserved their own special list on the blog.
Children’s Books About Rules and Routines
These are some of my favorite books to use to teach about our classroom rules and routines. Not only can you use these books in the first weeks of school, but they are great for using to review your classroom routines and rules throughout the schoolyear. (Because let’s be honest… we will constantly be reviewing those routines and procedures!)
I’ve divided these into sections to help you choose which books will be best for you: Your New Classroom, Classroom Materials, Classroom Rules, A Listening Body, and Classroom Routines.
Your New Classroom
School’s First Day of School: The school is nervous about all the children coming for the first day! The day starts out difficult for school, but everyone is having a great day by the end. This is a fun book to talk about the different spaces at school and what they are used for.
A Letter From Your Teacher: A wonderful book where a teacher shares her hopes and dreams for the year. This book is great to introduce the classroom as a space for learning and sharing.
All Are Welcome Here: This book celebrates classroom community. You can use this to start setting expectations of inclusion and equality.
Classroom Materials
The Day the Crayons Quit: The crayons are tired of being treated poorly, and they decide to quit! A great book for talking about the correct way to use materials.
Too Much Glue: A little boy doesn’t know how to use the glue properly and ends up with a great big mess! Such a good way to talk about classroom routines for using glue and other art supplies.
I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More!: A little boy makes a big, big mess with his paints. A cute story you can use when talking about the classroom rules for using paint.
Classroom Rules
Don’t Eat Your Classmates: Penelope the dinosaur keeps accidentally eating her classmates…until she has an experience that teaches her how it feels to be eaten! This book is all about the importance of self-control and treating others with respect.
What If Everybody Did That?: This book gets students thinking about the effect their choices can have. It helps them see that every action adds up and what they do in their new classroom matters!
What Should Darla Do?: A book that lets students decide what choice Dara should make to decide the outcome of the story. This is a great book for talking about making good choices.
A Listening Body
My Mouth Is a Volcano: A very relatable book about a little boy who can’t help but call what he wants to say! A great book for talking about classroom rules during group lessons.
Personal Space Camp: Louis learns about the importance of respecting personal space. This is a helpful book to talk about personal boundaries and what we mean when we say “hands to yourself”.
Lacey Walker, Nonstop Talker: Lacey Walker loves to talk and chat and visit. But when she loses her voice, she learns some important lessons about great value of listening. A great book if you have an extra chatty class.
Classroom Routines
Germs Vs. Soap: A funny and playful book about germs trying to avoid getting washed off of dirty hands! A great book to explain the importance of good hand-washing to students.
Just a Mess: Little Critter likes to leave everything in a big mess. In this book, he learns the importance of picking up after himself and keeping things tidy.
Miss Mingo and the Fire Drill: A great book for teaching about the rules of safety and reinforcing your school’s fire drill procedure.
Routines and Procedures
It’s important to take time at the beginning of the year to teach your rules and procedures thoroughly. While it might seem like it’s taking a lot of time, it will ultimately save you so much time in the future.
But the most important thing to remember about teaching your classroom rules and procedures is that it’s not one and done. Students will need practice and review throughout the whole year – so hold onto these book ideas for when you feel like your class could use a little refresher on the classroom rules!
Want more rules and routines resources? Check out my Classroom Rules and Routines Activity Bundle!
Which book are you going to try with your students this year? Let me know in the comments! xoxo Laura
Resources For You:
Articles For You:
5 Must-Try Classroom Routine and Procedures Ideas
21 Amazing Ideas for Activities on the First Day of School
The Best Activities To Build Classroom Community To Try Now
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